Monday, August 09, 2010

Game over

Dear reader,

I will be shutting down this blog since JLB Enterprises, LLC has ceased to exist. Thank you for your interest and support along the years.

JL Brunet
Ex-owner, JLB Enterprises, LLC
August 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Search Your Evernote Notebook with Chrome or Launchbar

Search Your Evernote Notebook with Chrome [Evernote]

[JLB] Can also be used with any command launcher such as the often forgotten Launchbar on Mac. You will simply be required to enter your login information the first time the Evernote query is sent by your browser.

If you're a fan of universal memory service Evernote, but can't or won't run its desktop software for quick access, the service suggests making easy to search from the address bar.

Evernote's team explains the process in the video above, but it's also easy to describe in text. Right-click on Chrome's address/OmniBar, select Edit Search Engines, and hit the Add button in the next dialog. From there, enter these results into the three fields:

  • Name: Evernote

  • Keyword:

  • URL:

If you've spent a good deal of time with, or read our power user's guide to Chrome, you might have already figured this one out. If not, it's a nice little convenience.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Learn Basic Color Theory for Better Designs [Design]

Learn Basic Color Theory for Better Designs [Design]

Whether you're putting together a portfolio web site or just slapping together some slides, knowing how colors affect the minds of your audience makes your message more appealing. Smashing magazine offers a post that serves as Color Psychology 101 for would-be designers.

Beyond explaining which colors work as 'warm' and 'cool,' how primaries play off secondary colors, and offering lots of keen examples of every kind of color design, Smashing's post offers some clues on how colors are perceived when images are translated to mental impressions. Here's a little primer on orange that caught me unawares:

Orange is a very vibrant and energetic color. In its muted forms, it can be associated with the earth and with autumn. Because of its association with the changing seasons, orange can represent change and movement in general.

Because orange is associated with the fruit of the same name, it can be associated with health and vitality. In designs, orange commands attention without being as overpowering as red. It's often considered more friendly and inviting, and less in-your-face.

Hit the link for a deeper read. While you've got your monocle and draft paper out, tell us what color schemes you like, and which have never appealed to you, in the comments.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yahoo OneConnect Brings Free SMS to Your iPhone [Featured IPhone Download]

Here is a LifeHacker article, for those of you looking for a all-in-1 solution. I will personally stick to my modest needs and iPhone Facebook/Twiterrific applications.

Yahoo OneConnect Brings Free SMS to Your iPhone [Featured IPhone Download]:

iPhone/iPod touch only: Yahoo OneConnect is a free application that brings a handful of communication and social networking tools to your iPhone or iPod touch. Off the bat, the most notable thing about OneConnect is that it supports sending SMS messages to contacts in your Yahoo Address Book (provided you have a phone number in their contact card). That means you can text all day long from your iPhone (or iPod touch, if you have a Wi-Fi connection) without taking any texts away from your meager AT&T SMS plan.

The app's Pulse feature also supports a ton of social networking sites, from Facebook and Flickr to MySpace and Twitter. (Oh yeah, it works with Yahoo Messenger contacts, too.) It connects to and retrieves contacts from every single service, and you can update your status on all supported services from one box. Aside from all the functionality, it's also one of the more slick apps we've seen. OneConnect is a free download from the iTunes App Store, requires a Yahoo account to use.

(Via Lifehacker.)

Monday, March 17, 2008

AutoHotkey - how didn't I use this before?

AutoHotkey is a Windows scriptable utility that lets you automate the launching of programs, websites URLs, access to files and folders, and repetitive keyboard entries.

It's awesome, and if you work like me most of the time on Windows, will save you a lot of time!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

GrandCentral: one number for all your phones!!

GrandCentral: The New Way to Use Your Phones: I love this new phone service. Lets you use a unique phone number for multiple phones, and offers a great number of smart functionalities. Try it and let me know what you think! Of course, it's FREE!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

OpenDNS: SpeedUp Your Internet Connection

ZZ481B1910.jpgI have just switched to OpenDNS at home and yes! Their DNS is really fast!!! Big change from Pacbell AT&T dinosaurs. I have not yet gone through all the functionalities that are literraly offered, but I could instantaneously feel a gain in speed. Well I am close to one of their centers here in Palo Alto too. Definitely something to try, and very easy to implement.

OpenDNS: SpeedUp Your Internet Connection |

OpenDNS provides a safer, faster, smarter and more reliable way to navigate the Internet. It’s free, easy-to-setup and requires absolutely no download. Basically, OpenDNS lets you speed-up the website detection and loading process which is normally handled by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

User Testimonial: ‘I can’t say Thank You enough for providing OpenDNS. We had problems with the Bellsouth DNS servers. After switching to OpenDNS everything just works.’ More testimonials
OpenDNS Features
Speeds-up your internet connection.
Warns of phishing threats and adult sites.
Track / Monitor network activity: See what sites are being visited, block adult websites, etc.
Integrated spell-checking tool.
Works on Windows, Mac, Linux...."
